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Dr. James D. Namnoum | Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

FAQ’s about the Brazilian Butt Lift and Fat Transfer Techniques

One of the most popular options in plastic surgery today is the Brazilian Butt Lift.  Inspired by an ever increasing number of celebrities, more and more women have opted to augment the size and projection of their buttocks through the use of this innovative technique.  In the last year alone, more than 20,000 patients underwent buttocks augmentation surgery with fat transfer, making this one of the fastest growing procedures recorded by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.  Because of this rapid rise in popularity, many patients have come to me over the past few years with questions about the Brazilian Butt Lift and other fat transfer procedures.  Here are answers to a few of the questions that I most frequently hear.

Atlanta Butt AugmentationWhat is the difference between a Brazilian Butt Lift and a traditional Butt Lift Procedure?

A traditional Butt Lift is a specific body contouring procedure that involves lifting and removing excess, sagging skin while repositioning the buttock muscles, usually after the patient has lost a great deal of weight as a result of bariatric surgery.  A Brazilian Butt Lift works very differently, by taking fat that has been removed from the patient’s own body during a liposuction procedure and re-injecting it into the areas that the patient wants enhanced.  It achieves a more pronounced and shapely buttocks area without the need for extensive surgical remodeling or artificial implants.

Can this fat transfer technique be used in other areas of the body?

Absolutely!  Fat transfer is routinely used during facial plastic surgery procedures to add volume to areas of the face that have started to sag and droop, giving the entire visage a more plump and youthful appearance.  Similarly, fat removed from other areas of the patient’s body can also be used to enhance the size and shape of the breasts, either alone or in conjunction with artificial breast implants during a breast augmentation procedure.

How long does the fat from a fat transfer procedure last?

Unlike many injectable soft tissue fillers, like Juvéderm®, Restylane®, or Perlane®, that are absorbed and eliminated from the body over a period of several months, fat cells that survive the transfer process can continue to live just like any other cells in the body, potentially lasting a lifetime.  When the fat is transferred by an experienced plastic surgeon, only a very small percentage of the fat cells are absorbed by the body.  The fat that remains after the swelling has subsided will, in most cases, last for years to come, although some patients may require additional injections in order to maintain optimal results.

Who is a good candidate for fat transfer procedures?

Ideally, candidates should have some amount of excess fat in the thighs, flanks, or abdomen that they would like to eliminate.  One of the advantages of fat transfer procedures is that patients can benefit from the liposuction itself in addition the added volume from the fat transfer.  Patients should also be in generally good health and non-smokers, as long term smoking can create difficulties during recovery.

If you are interested in fat transfer techniques, or in any of the cosmetic or reconstructive procedures that I perform, contact me, Dr. James Namnoum, to schedule a consultation today.  Don’t forget to connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ for more plastic surgery news and updates.

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